Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced on Friday that the United States has offered to drop all sanctions against Iran in exchange for negotiations.

Rouhani said the German Chancellor, the prime minister of Britain and the president of France were in New York and all insisted that the meeting take place.

“America says that it will lift the sanction, it was up for debate what sanctions will be lifted and they had said clearly ‘we will lift all sanctions’.   “Even if we want to negotiate with the Americans in the 5+1 framework which includes Russia, China, Germany, France, and the UK, no one can predict what the end and result of this negotiation will be.’’   Rouhani’s statement came after U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that Washington would not change its policy and continue slapping sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

The White House has repeatedly announced that it is ready to start talks with Iran without preconditions, while Iranian officials have stressed that the U.S. has to change its policies and lift restrictions before any talks are possible.   At the moment, the White House hasn’t confirmed information about the alleged offer. Washington re-imposed sanctions on Iran after withdrawing from the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or Iranian nuclear deal, in May 2018.   Earlier, Tehran scrapped some of its “voluntary commitments’’ to the JCPOA, as the EU and other states had failed to resist the sanctions pressure from the U.S.   Iranian officials also vowed to roll back on other commitments every 60 days, escalating tensions even more.   Washington has, however, imposed several rounds of various restrictions on Tehran amid a row over the Iranian nuclear deal and rising tensions in the Middle East.

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