Tiny Harris had an exciting announcement for her fans, and it involves her daughter, Zonnique Pullins. Check out Tiny’s post below.
‘@zonniquejailee & I will be doing a mother & daughter panel. Come kick it with us at Atlanta’s Ultimate Women’s Expo @uwexpo #ultimatewomensexpo #atlantawomensexpo ’ Tiny captioned her post.
Someone said: ‘Wish I still live in da ATL. Me and my daughter always went to the expo!’ and a fan praised Tiny: ‘Tiny, keep being that phenomenal woman. Yes mam.’

A commenter posted: ‘I wish .. Live in LA… Best wishes Tiny and I’m so proud of you, not to mention happy for u and the Fam’
One follower said: ‘@majorgirl yesss I will be there too didn’t know you was going to be there hope to see you there.’
Someone else wrote: ‘Awe man I wish I got to see you on my birthday Monday ’
Another follower praised Tiny and wrote: ‘@majorgirl love your show and how you are all round as a mammy and family girl it’s inspiring. 
A lot of fans gushed over Tiny as you can see above, but there were also some commenters who bashed her following the episode with T.I. and Deyjah.
Just in case you don’t know what happened, it’s been recently revealed that T.I. has decided to humiliate Deyjah by talking about something as intimate as her virginity.
Tip opened up about Deyjah’s private life with two female hosts, and this triggered a ton of backlash for Tip.
A follower told Tiny: ‘So sad you allow a man to do this a young lady. Will you allow it to be done to all your daughters. I use to like the family. But sadly will not support a family that allows this sick behavior…’
Someone else also shaded her and said: ‘Shame on you for allowing your husband to treat your DAUGHTER THAT WAY. The policing of women’s bodies is disgusting and needs to stop.’

What do you think about what Tip did?

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