The Duke of Sussex has visited Angola and retraced the footsteps of his mother Diana, the Princess of Wales, as he paid homage to her campaign to outlaw landmines.
In images beamed around the world, Diana famously walked through a partially-cleared minefield in the African country in 1997.
Her aim was to highlight the plight of people maimed by munitions and to bring about a ban on the weapons.
Prince Harry is due to return to the same area which is now a street in the bustling town of Huambo following the clearance of landmines.

The duke saw first-hand the work of the landmine clearing charity the Halo Trust when he visited a site where its staff are working in the south eastern town of Dirico
Harry walked into an area that was once an artillery base for anti-government forces and the dusty scrubland was marked with red warning signs showing the skull and crossbones with the Portuguese words "Perigo Minas!" and the English translation below, "danger mines".
He was asked to set off an anti-personnel mine - discovered earlier - with a controlled explosion.

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